Why over 700,000 have travelled with us...
Your money is 100% safe
ABTA Protected - We're bonded by the highest travel standards meaning your money is safe. Find out more about ABTA.
Simply add cover when booking.
Lower Deposits*
Secure your weekend with a small £50 deposit.
We don't need the final amount until 6 weeks before your event date. *Self-catering can vary.
Individual Payments
All the guys pay us directly via our online VIP area, so you don't have to spend hours chasing the lads.
Stag Do Organising Since 2002
We've helped over 700,000 people party and are still going strong to this day.
Dedicated Destination Specialist & Event Manager
You'll be allocated your own Events Team who will help you organise that memorable weekend and answer any queries you have.
90 Destinations
Choose from 90 incredible party locations.
1000s of Activities & Accommodation Options
And pick from one of the biggest selections of activities and accommodations on the market.